Tuesday, February 28, 2012

trac-0.12.3 and HTML notification

Trac still does not do HTML mails. As I've written before, it can be hacked to send good looking HTML notifications, though. I happily used trac-0.12.2 until I discovered some issues with subversion-1.7.
So I upgraded to trac-0.12.3, the upgrade went seamlessly. All it took as a repository resync for changesets with removed files to show up again. Yay!
Of course trac still doesn't send HTML notifications, so I had to apply my previous patches from trac-0.12.2. Except for trac/ticket/notification.py this was rather easy. See my diff here or grab it from pastebin.

--- Trac-0.12.3/trac/ticket/web_ui.py    Mon Feb  6 21:50:02 2012
+++ Trac-0.12.3-fizze/trac/ticket/web_ui.py    Mon Feb 27 14:24:15 2012
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@

         # Notify
-            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
+            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env, req) #rlrj60:4/10/09
             tn.notify(ticket, newticket=True)
         except Exception, e:
             self.log.error("Failure sending notification on creation of "
@@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@
             fragment = cnum and '#comment:' + cnum or ''
-                tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
+                tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env, req) #rlrj60:4/10/09
                 tn.notify(ticket, newticket=False, modtime=now)
             except Exception, e:
                 self.log.error("Failure sending notification on change to "

--- Trac-0.12.3/trac/notification.py    Mon Feb  6 21:50:22 2012
+++ Trac-0.12.3-fizze/trac/notification.py    Mon Feb 27 14:22:30 2012
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@
         self.longaddr_re = re.compile(r'^\s*(.*)\s+<\s*(%s)\s*>\s*$' % addrfmt)
         domains = self.env.config.get('notification', 'ignore_domains', '')
+        self.from_email = self.env.config.get('notification', 'smtp_from')
         self._ignore_domains = [x.strip() for x in domains.lower().split(',')]
         # Get the email addresses of all known users
         self.email_map = {}
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@
         if pcc:
             headers['Cc'] = ', '.join(pcc)
         headers['Date'] = formatdate()
-        msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain')
+        msg = MIMEText(body, 'html')
         # Message class computes the wrong type from MIMEText constructor,
         # which does not take a Charset object as initializer. Reset the
         # encoding type to force a new, valid evaluation

--- Trac-0.12.3/trac/ticket/notification.py    Mon Feb  6 21:50:04 2012
+++ Trac-0.12.3-fizze/trac/ticket/notification.py    Tue Feb 28 10:06:34 2012
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@

 from genshi.template.text import NewTextTemplate

+from trac.wiki.formatter import *
 from trac.core import *
 from trac.config import *
 from trac.notification import NotifyEmail
 from trac.ticket.api import TicketSystem
 from trac.util import md5
 from trac.util.datefmt import to_utimestamp
-from trac.util.text import obfuscate_email_address, text_width, wrap
+from trac.util.text import obfuscate_email_address, text_width, wrap, CRLF
 from trac.util.translation import deactivate, reactivate

 class TicketNotificationSystem(Component):
@@ -73,9 +74,10 @@
     from_email = 'trac+ticket@localhost'
     COLS = 75

-    def __init__(self, env):
+    def __init__(self, env, req):
         NotifyEmail.__init__(self, env)
         self.prev_cc = []
+        self.req = req
         ambiguous_char_width = env.config.get('notification',
@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@
         self.owner = ''
         changes_descr = ''
         change_data = {}
+        BRCRLF = '<br />' + CRLF
         link = self.env.abs_href.ticket(ticket.id)
         summary = self.ticket['summary']
@@ -112,9 +115,9 @@
                 if not change['permanent']: # attachment with same time...
-                    'author': self.obfuscate_email(change['author']),
-                    'comment': wrap(change['comment'], self.COLS, ' ', ' ',
-                                    '\n', self.ambiwidth)
+                    'author': change['author'],
+                    'comment': wiki_to_html(change['comment'], env=self.env, req=self.req, absurls=True)
                 link += '#comment:%s' % str(change.get('cnum', ''))
                 for field, values in change['fields'].iteritems():
@@ -122,17 +125,14 @@
                     new = values['new']
                     newv = ''
                     if field == 'description':
-                        new_descr = wrap(new, self.COLS, ' ', ' ', '\n',
-                                         self.ambiwidth)
-                        old_descr = wrap(old, self.COLS, '> ', '> ', '\n',
-                                         self.ambiwidth)
-                        old_descr = old_descr.replace(2 * '\n', '\n' + '>' + \
-                                                      '\n')
-                        cdescr = '\n'
-                        cdescr += 'Old description:' + 2 * '\n' + old_descr + \
-                                  2 * '\n'
-                        cdescr += 'New description:' + 2 * '\n' + new_descr + \
-                                  '\n'
+                        new_descr = wrap(new, self.COLS, ' ', ' ', BRCRLF)
+                        old_descr = wrap(old, self.COLS, '&gt;', '&gt;', BRCRLF)
+                        old_descr = old_descr.replace(2*CRLF, CRLF + '&gt;' + BRCRLF)
+                        cdescr = CRLF
+                        cdescr += 'Old description:' + 2*CRLF + old_descr + CRLF + BRCRLF
+                        cdescr += 'New description:' + 2*CRLF + new_descr + CRLF + BRCRLF
                         changes_descr = cdescr
                     elif field == 'summary':
                         summary = "%s (was: %s)" % (new, old)
@@ -140,15 +140,14 @@
                         (addcc, delcc) = self.diff_cc(old, new)
                         chgcc = ''
                         if delcc:
-                            chgcc += wrap(" * cc: %s (removed)" %
-                                          ', '.join(delcc),
-                                          self.COLS, ' ', ' ', '\n',
-                                          self.ambiwidth) + '\n'
+                            chgcc += '<li>' + wrap("cc: %s (removed)" % ', '.join(delcc),
+                                           self.COLS, ' ', ' ', BRCRLF) + '</li>'
+                            chgcc += CRLF
                         if addcc:
-                            chgcc += wrap(" * cc: %s (added)" %
-                                          ', '.join(addcc),
-                                          self.COLS, ' ', ' ', '\n',
-                                          self.ambiwidth) + '\n'
+                            chgcc += '<li>' + wrap("cc: %s (added)" % ', '.join(addcc),
+                                           self.COLS, ' ', ' ', BRCRLF) + '</li>'
+                            chgcc += CRLF
                         if chgcc:
                             changes_body += chgcc
                         self.prev_cc += old and self.parse_cc(old) or []
@@ -162,25 +161,23 @@
                         if len(old + new) + length > self.COLS:
                             length = 5
                             if len(old) + length > self.COLS:
-                                spacer_old = '\n'
+                                spacer_old = CRLF
                             if len(new) + length > self.COLS:
-                                spacer_new = '\n'
-                        chg = '* %s: %s%s%s=>%s%s' % (field, spacer_old, old,
-                                                      spacer_old, spacer_new,
-                                                      new)
-                        chg = chg.replace('\n', '\n' + length * ' ')
-                        chg = wrap(chg, self.COLS, '', length * ' ', '\n',
-                                   self.ambiwidth)
-                        changes_body += ' %s%s' % (chg, '\n')
+                                spacer_new = CRLF
+                        chg = wrap('%s &rarr; %s' % (old, new), self.COLS , '',
+                                    ' ', CRLF)
+                        changes_body += '<li>' + '%s:  %s%s' % (field, chg, CRLF) + '</li>'
                     if newv:
                         change_data[field] = {'oldvalue': old, 'newvalue': new}
+        if changes_body:
+            changes_body = '<ul>' + changes_body + '</ul>'
         ticket_values = ticket.values.copy()
         ticket_values['id'] = ticket.id
-        ticket_values['description'] = wrap(
-            ticket_values.get('description', ''), self.COLS,
-            initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ', linesep='\n',
-            ambiwidth=self.ambiwidth)
+        # convert wiki syntax to html
+        ticket_values['description'] = wiki_to_html(ticket_values.get('description', ''), env=self.env, req=self.req, absurls=True)
         ticket_values['new'] = self.newticket
         ticket_values['link'] = link
@@ -200,6 +197,7 @@

     def format_props(self):
         tkt = self.ticket
+        BRCRLF = '<br />' + CRLF
         fields = [f for f in tkt.fields
                   if f['name'] not in ('summary', 'cc', 'time', 'changetime')]
         width = [0, 0, 0, 0]
@@ -233,8 +231,11 @@
                 width_r = min((self.COLS - 1) * 2 / 3, width_r)         
                 width_l = self.COLS - width_r - 1
-        sep = width_l * '-' + '+' + width_r * '-'
-        txt = sep + '\n'
+        format = ('<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><b>%s:</b></td><td align="left">%s</td>','<td align="right"><b>%s:</b></td><td align="left">%s</td></tr>'+CRLF)
+        #sep = width_l * '-' + '+' + width_r * '-'
+        sep = CRLF
+        txt = sep + CRLF
+        txt = '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">' + CRLF
         cell_tmp = [u'', u'']
         big = []
         i = 0
@@ -247,10 +248,11 @@
             if fname in ['owner', 'reporter']:
                 fval = self.obfuscate_email(fval)
             if f['type'] == 'textarea' or '\n' in unicode(fval):
-                big.append((f['label'], '\n'.join(fval.splitlines())))
+                big.append((f['label'], CRLF.join(fval.splitlines())))
                 # Note: f['label'] is a Babel's LazyObject, make sure its
                 # __str__ method won't be called.
+                txt += format[i % 2] % (f['label'], unicode(fval))
                 str_tmp = u'%s:  %s' % (f['label'], unicode(fval))
                 idx = i % 2
                 cell_tmp[idx] += wrap(str_tmp, width_lr[idx] - 2 + 2 * idx,
@@ -269,12 +271,19 @@
             fmt_width = width_l - self.get_text_width(cell_l[i]) \
                         + len(cell_l[i])
-            txt += u'%-*s|%s%s' % (fmt_width, cell_l[i], cell_r[i], '\n')
+            #txt += u'%-*s|%s%s' % (fmt_width, cell_l[i], cell_r[i], '\n')
+        if i % 2:
+            txt += '<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>' + CRLF
+            txt += CRLF
         if big:
             txt += sep
             for name, value in big:
-                txt += '\n'.join(['', name + ':', value, '', ''])
+                txt += CRLF.join(['<tr align="left"><td colspan="2"><b>' + name + ':' + '</b></td></tr>', '<tr align="left"><td colspan="2">' + value + '</td></tr>'])
+                """txt += CRLF.join(['', name + ':', value, '', ''])"""
         txt += sep
+        txt += '</table>' + CRLF
         return txt

     def parse_cc(self, txt):
@@ -283,15 +292,13 @@
     def diff_cc(self, old, new):
         oldcc = NotifyEmail.addrsep_re.split(old)
         newcc = NotifyEmail.addrsep_re.split(new)
-        added = [self.obfuscate_email(x) \
-                                for x in newcc if x and x not in oldcc]
-        removed = [self.obfuscate_email(x) \
-                                for x in oldcc if x and x not in newcc]
+        added = [x for x in newcc if x and x not in oldcc]
+        removed = [x for x in oldcc if x and x not in newcc]
         return (added, removed)

     def format_hdr(self):
         return '#%s: %s' % (self.ticket.id, wrap(self.ticket['summary'],
-                                                 self.COLS, linesep='\n',
+                                                 self.COLS, linesep=CRLF,

     def format_subj(self, summary):
@@ -383,6 +390,7 @@
         hdrs = {}
         hdrs['Message-ID'] = self.get_message_id(dest, self.modtime)
         hdrs['X-Trac-Ticket-ID'] = str(self.ticket.id)
+        hdrs['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
         hdrs['X-Trac-Ticket-URL'] = self.data['ticket']['link']
         if not self.newticket:
             msgid = self.get_message_id(dest)

--- Trac-0.12.3/trac/ticket/templates/ticket_notify_email.txt    Mon Feb  6 21:50:02 2012
+++ Trac-0.12.3-fizze/trac/ticket/templates/ticket_notify_email.txt    Thu Dec 29 08:58:44 2011
@@ -1,32 +1,51 @@
-{% choose ticket.new %}\
-{%   when True %}\
-{%   end %}\
-{%   otherwise %}\
-{%     if changes_body %}\
-${_('Changes (by %(author)s):', author=change.author)}
+  <div style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color:#f8f8f8">
+    <hr>
+    <a style="text-decoration:none;color:#069; font-size: 19px" href="${project.url or abs_href()}"><strong>$project.name</strong></a>
+    <hr>
+    <a style="text-decoration:none;color:#666666; font-size: 17px" href="$ticket.link">$ticket_body_hdr</a>
+    <hr>
+  </div>    
+ {% choose ticket.new %}\
+ {%   when True %}\
+    <div style="color:#069; font-size: 15px"><em>New ticket</em> (by <strong>$ticket.reporter</strong>)</div>
+    <br/>
+     <div style="padding:1.5em;">$ticket.description</div>
+    <br/>
+ {%   end %}\
+ {%   otherwise %}\
+ {%     if changes_body %}\
+      <div style="color:#069; font-size: 15px"><em>Changes</em> (by <strong>$change.author</strong>)</div>
+      $changes_body
 {%     end %}\
 {%     if changes_descr %}\
 {%       if not changes_body and not change.comment and change.author %}\
-${_('Description changed by %(author)s:', author=change.author)}
+        <div style="color:#069; font-size: 15px"><em>Description changed by</em> <strong>$change.author</strong></div>
 {%       end %}\
+{%      if changes_body or change.comment or not change.author %}\
+        <div style="color:#069; font-size: 15px"><em>Description</em></div>
 {%     end %}\
-{%     if change.comment %}\
+      <div style="padding:1.5em; font-size: 14px">$changes_descr</div>
+      <br/>
+{%    end %}\
+{%    if change.comment %}\
+      <div style="color:#069;"><em>Comment</em>  ${not changes_body and '(by <strong>%s</strong>)' % change.author or ''}</div>
+      <div style="padding:1.5em;">$change.comment</div>
+      <br/>
+{%    end %}\
+{%  end %}\
+  <hr/>
+{% end %}\

-${changes_body and _('Comment:') or _('Comment (by %(author)s):', author=change.author)}
+<style type="text/css">
+  th { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px }
+  td { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px }
+    $ticket_props
+    <hr/>
+    <div style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;background-color:#f0f0f0;color:#999">$project.descr</div>
+    <cite style="display:block;padding:4px;background-color:#f0f0f0;color:#999;font-size:95%;border-top:1px dotted #ccc;">$project.descr</cite>    

-{%     end %}\
-{%   end %}\
-{% end %}\
-${_('Ticket URL: <%(link)s>', link=ticket.link)}
-$project.name <${project.url or abs_href()}>

This proper diff patch was brought to you by TortoiseSVN's TortoiseMerge.


FReNeTiC said...

I'VE commented on the older post, but this one IS FREAKING GREAT!

Really, thank you!
I'll try this on my Trac install, and if I succeed I'll be back to spread the good word :D


FReNeTiC said...


My team got really crazy over here.
The IT Manager gave me that smile.
Now I can be lazy the rest of the day :P

Thank you!!!
Really, thank you.

I'm really really happy righ now :D

FReNeTiC said...


I found, and fixed, two bugs on your modification, and it's working fine for me now.

First problem I found, it wasn't sending emails :P
Log was dumping a problem with /trac/ticket/web_ui.py
But the problem wasn't there.

The problem was in
new line 250
where you wrote the code
txt += format[i % 2] % (f['label'], unicode(fval))

I have to say, I have no idea what this code does (I'm new to Python =/), but this was bugging.
I'm brazillian and on my language we have characters like ç or õ or even à.
This piece of code couldnt those characters and Trac wasnt sending emails.
Without them, Trac got working like a charm.

The second problem I found, the comments in emails didnt have breake lines.
If in a comment I write
on emails it would go like "hey there"
But, if I insert 2 break-lines

on emails I could read

To fix this, I did another small change on your set of changes.

ON the file
near line 112
WHERE you wrote
'comment': wiki_to_html(change['comment'], env=self.env, req=self.req, absurls=True)

I added another parameter to the function wiki_to_html
I've set escape_newlines=True
So, at that line my code was like

'comment': wiki_to_html(change['comment'], env=self.env, req=self.req, absurls=True, escape_newlines=True)

And, that way, I fixed two problems.

sorry for my kind of bad english, and thanks for you code, and time :D

fizze said...

You're welcome!
I also found out that this hack isn't compatible with the tracopt.ticket.commit_updater plugin.

I thought about using the new TracNotification plugin but for now this is not a viable option.

Thanks for your fixes, I'll probably incorporate them into an updated post.