- Grab the nearest book.
- Open it to page 56.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
- Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Wenn diese beiden Kongruenzen nicht erfüllt sind, ist g eine Primitivwurzel mod p.
and in English:
If those two congruencies are not valid, g is a primitive root mod p.
This is about prime residue groups, in number's theory.
The book is 'Einführung in die Kryptograhpie' by Buchmann.
1 comment:
Funny game :D
I rarely use books in the office, because most of the basics i need are in files, on harddisc, or in the www ;) But there is a shelf with very dusty books behind me - let's see ...
I found: "Die ältere Rechtssprechung des VwGH, wonach eine Manuduktions (Anleitungs)pflicht nicht besteht, erweist sich als überholt." (aus: Der Nachbar im Baurecht; Band 6 Schriftenreihe für die juristische Praxis)
It concerns something like: the former judicature of the administration court, thus there is no obligation to instruct on the right to appeal, is antiquated. (from: The Neighbour in Building Laws)
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