Monday, May 23, 2011

XenServer 5.6 and Dell OpenManage 6.5

Citrix recently released XenServer 5.6 Service Pack 2. While you probably have found out already, that upgrading from XenServer 5.6 FP1 only works through XenCenter and not by booting from the ISOs, those of you running XenServer on Dell boxes might appreciate some pointers in getting OMSA up and running again.

Dell actually recognizes XenServer as an operating system for their servers, so there is an ISO that can be used as supplemental pack when XenServer is installed. Yay! The same ISO can be used to install it on an existing system. Instructions can be found here, at Dell's Enterprise Technology Center. This site also has directions where the latest OMSA download can be found, so check it out!

I had OpenManagae 6.4 installed on all of my XenServers prior to upgrading them to 5.6 SP2. The installer failed because some conflicting packages were already installed. So I basically had to remove OMSA 6.4 before I could install 6.5. To save you the hassle of identifying the individual packages, here's how to get rid of it quickly:

yum remove srvadmin-smweb srvadmin-smcommon srvadmin-omilcore srvadmin-sm srvadmin-iws libsmbios sblim-sfcc
 After running the script on the downloaded ISO, it is necessary to bounce the srvadmin services by issuing:

/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services stop
/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services start

Thanks to jh for pointing out the mistake. 

1 comment:

jh said...

Replace .../etc/... with .../sbin/...